The school has a curriculum, assessment and reporting framework that guides our implementation of the Australian Curriculum for each curriculum learning area from Prep to Year 6.
This is supported by Education Queensland’s suite of curriculum units which have been developed from the Australian Curriculum.
The curriculum is delivered through the areas of English, Mathematics, Science, History and Social Sciences, Technology, The Arts, Health and Physical Education.
In addition to the above subjects:
- Japanese is taught in Years 4, 5 and 6 students receive tuition in basic Japanese.
Pedagogical framework
There is a consistent approach to the delivery of curriculum based on our school pedagogical framework and curriculum, assessment and reporting framework. This framework ensures consistency of curriculum within year levels and continuity of delivery across the year levels.
The Reading to Learn pedagogy, written and developed by Associate Professor Dr David Rose, underpins our pedagogical framework and our approach to the teaching of literacy in all curriculum areas. Reading to Learn is world renowned pedagogical approach aimed at ensuring all children develop the necessary literacy skills to actively engage in all curriculum areas. Teaching staff at Albany Creek State School have completed the 8 day Reading to Learn professional development course with Dr Rose.
STEAM: Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Maths
STEAM education collectively refers to the teaching of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths subjects.
Our STEAM specialist works with students and teachers across the school, to enhance learning opportunities and outcomes. This happens in three ways:
- Embedding STEAM
- Enhancing STEAM
- Extra-curricular Activities
STEAM opportunities are becoming more integrated, using cross-curricular approaches. For example, a Year 1 Science unit on Change and Weather used elements of engineering and design to create a digital portfolio of work, using the Book Creator app.
Current practices are enhanced. Using established practices, we use a STEAM lens to add value and meaning. For example, the lunchtime STEAM challenge for Years 1 to 3 was themed to build awareness to the upcoming National Science Week topic.
Extra-curricular activities create opportunities across the school, both during the day and outside of hours. Some extra-curricular activities include monthly STEAM challenges (Years 1-3), Scratch coding (Year 4) and Robotics (Years 5 and 6).
In 2020, after-school robotics sessions provided an additional service to the community. The intra and interschool Minecraft Tournament added an extra level of excitement and engagement to the Year 4 English and HASS learning areas (Term 3).
For more information about STEM education, read the National STEM school education strategy 2016-2026 (from Education Council, 2015).

Student academic reports
Student Academic Reports are emailed to parents and caregivers of all students in Prep to Year 6. Student Academic Reports are distributed for Semester 1 on the first Wednesday of Term 3 with Semester 2 Reports deployed on the last Wednesday of Term 4. Face to face interviews are offered to parents and caregivers of students from Prep to Year 6 at the end of term 1.
The Sobs online booking system is utilised for parent/teacher interview bookings at the end of term one and we communicate this to parent/caregivers via the school newsletter and email of the timetable.
On the semester report card in the parent interview section, teachers indicate if an interview is required however, parents are able to book an interview at the end of the semester or at any time that is required. Interviews can organised with the class teacher or through the office at a mutually convenient time.
Parent information evenings are held early in Term 1. All parents and caregivers are urged to support these evenings. Attendance ensures:
- parents and caregivers get to meet their child's teacher early in the year
- the teacher has an opportunity to form lasting productive partnerships with parents and caregivers
- a strong rapport is established for ease of communication throughout the year.
The parent information evenings are not a time when the teacher will be able to provide you a great deal of information about your child. Information shared on the evening will empower parents and caregivers as they work closely with teachers to set high expectations for student achievements.